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I have read and agree to the 2024 Racine Juneteenth Parade Rules and the
Juneteenth Floats Regulations as detailed under "Description".

2nd Annual Racine Juneteenth Parade Application & Participation Agreement

• Application & Participant Agreement deadline is June 1st, 2024.
• $35 No Refunds

Racine Juneteenth Parade Rules

• Float Inspection 8:30 AM | Parade Line Up  AM |Pre-Parade Start Time 9:45 AM.
• Each entry must have at least ONE representative attend an orientation meeting on EITHER Friday June 7th from              6- 7 pm or Saturday June 8th,1-2PM, at the Racine Public Library (75 7th St.). Here you will receive information

  about the day of the parade, receive your line up position, and be able to ask any questions that you have. 
• An Application, Parade Entry Description and Participation Agreement (included
  with this packet) must be submitted.
• Please bag up your candy giveaways this year. NO INDIVIDUAL PIECES TO BE
  THROWN!!! If you are giving out candy and/or novelty items, please keep safety in
  mind in distributing them to the children.
• Community Consulting LLC and the Racine Juneteenth Parade Committee reserves
  all rights to record and reproduce video, audio, music, and digital images of the
  parade event for both publication and unrestricted distribution.
• No Entry is allowed for the sole purpose of recording/documenting/publishing this

Racine Juneteenth Parade Floats Regulations

• Participants are responsible for ensuring that every part of the float is secure.
• Items prohibited on floats or trucks/cars include fire, live animals, smoke machines,
  dry ice, firearms, and explosives.
• The Juneteenth Parade Committee will be inspecting the floats the day of the parade
  to ensure safety and visual requirements are met. A second follow-up inspection will

  be performed at line-up on the day of the parade. All entries must pass inspection by
  the committee. Time slots for inspections will be provided.
• All entries must be Juneteenth Themed.
  Racine Juneteenth Parade Float Judging Competition
  This year, all floats will be judged, and the winner will receive a sponsored prize
• Judges will be at the Grandstand at the intersection of 14th St & Grand Avenue
• Judging will be based on the following:
1. Theme integration
2. Originality/creativity
3. Overall appearance
4. Each unit will be judged separately
• Contest winners will be publicly announced on Saturday June 15, 2024, at the
  Racine Juneteenth Celebration at the Dr. John Bryant Community Center 601 Caron
  Butler Dr. **Prizes will be distributed at that time

By entering your information and making payment, you hereby agree to indemnify and
hold harmless Community Consulting LLC, and the Racine Juneteenth Parade Committee,
its agents, volunteers and officers from any loss, liability, damage or costs, including court
costs and attorney fees, that they may incur due to my participation in said activity,
whether caused by negligence of Parade/Releaser or otherwise. I understand that
Community Consulting LLC, and the Racine Juneteenth Parade Committee does not provide
any insurance coverage for vendor participants for any circumstances arising from their
participation in this event or any activity associated with or facilitating that participation. I
agree to abide by all 2nd Annual Racine Juneteenth Parade Rules. Once this application and
agreement are complete, please keep a copy of all documents for future reference. I certify
that I am authorized by being a participating unit to sign this Racine Juneteenth Parade
Application and Participation Agreement on its behalf and on behalf of its members and
those participating in the parade within this Participation Agreement.

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